Electric Smelting and Refining: The Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Means of the Electric Current. Being the 2D Ed. of Elektro-Metallurgie. (Paperback)
Electric Smelting and Refining: The Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Means of the Electric Current. Being the 2D Ed. of Elektro-Metallurgie. (Hardcover)
Electric Smelting and Refining: The Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Means of the Electric Current. Being the 2D Ed. of "Elektro-Metallurgie." (Hardcover)
Electric Smelting and Refining: The Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Means of the Electric Current. Being the 2D Ed. of "Elektro-Metallurgie." (Paperback)
Electric Smelting and Refining: The Extraction and Treatment of Metals by Means of the Electric Current. Being the 2D Ed. of Elektro-Metallurgie. (Hardcover)
Electric Smelting and Refining ... Being the second edition of "Elektro-Metallurgie" ... Translated, with additions, by Walter G. M'Millan, etc. (Paperback)