Circular Que El Obispo De Michoac? Dirige Al Muy Ilustre Y Venerable Cabildo Y Venerable Clero De Su Di?esis Explicando El Sentido De Sus Circulares (Paperback)
Concilio Provincial Mexicano IV. Celebrado En La Ciudad de Mexico El Ano de 1771: Se Imprime Completo Por Vez Primera de Orden del Illmo. y Rmo. Sr Dr (Paperback)
Coleccion de Las Cartas Pastorales Que El Excelentisimo E Ilustrisimo Senor Licenciado Don Clemente de Jesus Munguia, Obispo de Michoacan, Ha Dirigido (Paperback)
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The Censure and Declaration of the General Assembly of the Clergy of France Convened in the Royal Palace of St. Germain, in the Year MDCC. Concerning (Paperback)
Acts of the General Assembly of the French Clergy in the Year MDCLXXXV Concerning Religion Together with the Complaint of the General Assembly Against (Paperback)
The Ursuline Manual, or a Collection of Prayers, Spiritual Exercises, Etc., Interspersed with the Various Instructions Necessary for Forming Youth to (Paperback)