
과학 베스트
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World-And Why Things Ar...
Nexus : A Brief History of Information Networks from the Stone Age to ...
Sapiens : A Brief History of Humankind (Paperback, 영국판) - 『사피엔...
Cosmos (Paperback, 미국판) - 칼 세이건'코스모스' 원서
The Selfish Gene : 40th Anniversary edition (Paperback, 4 Revised edit...
수학 베스트
Factfulness: Ten Reasons We're Wrong about the World-And Why Things Ar...
Why Machines Learn: The Elegant Math Behind Modern AI (Hardcover)
The Selfish Gene : 40th Anniversary edition (Paperback, 4 Revised edit...
Advanced Engineering Mathematics (7th Edition)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics 10e ISV WIE (Paperback)
자연생태 베스트
Birds in a Book (Uplifting Editions): Jacket Comes Off. Branches Pop U...
Cosmos (Paperback, 미국판) - 칼 세이건'코스모스' 원서
ANIMAL FARM (Paperback) - 『동물농장』원서
Why Fish Don't Exist: A Story of Loss, Love, and the Hidden Order of L...
Lab Girl (Paperback, 미국판) - 『랩 걸』 원서
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이 분야에 43 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Physics of Semiconductor Devices (Hardcover, 4)

Simon M. Sze / Wiley-Interscience

123,310원(50%할인 / 0원)

Superconductivity : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Stephen J. Blundell / Oxford Univ Pr

13,870원(35%할인 / 420원)

Light : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Ian A. Walmsley / Oxford University Press, USA

13,870원(35%할인 / 420원)

The ESD Handbook (Hardcover)

Steven H. Voldman / John Wiley and Sons Ltd

207,750원(35%할인 / 2,080원)

Modern Magnetic Materials: Principles and Applications (Hardcover)

Robert O'Handley / Wiley-Interscience

311,660원(35%할인 / 3,120원)

Waves : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Mike Goldsmith / Oxford University Press, USA

13,870원(35%할인 / 420원)

Magnetism : A Very Short Introduction (Paperback)

Stephen J. Blundell / Oxford Univ Pr

13,870원(35%할인 / 420원)

Introduction to Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion: Volume 1: Plasma Physics (Hardcover, 2)

Francis F. Chen / Plenum Pub Corp

95,810원(40%할인 / 960원)

Glow Discharge Processes: Sputtering and Plasma Etching (Hardcover)


340,330원(35%할인 / 3,410원)

The Physics of Vibrations and Waves (Paperback, 6)

H. J. Pain / John Wiley & Sons Inc

85,930원(35%할인 / 860원)

NMR Data Interpretation Explained: Understanding 1d and 2D NMR Spectra of Organic Compounds and Natural Products (Hardcover)


197,000원(35%할인 / 1,970원)

Magnetic Hysteresis (Paperback)

Della Torre / IEEE Computer Society Press

207,750원(35%할인 / 2,080원)

High Voltage Direct Current Transmission: Converters, Systems and DC Grids (Hardcover)

Dragan Jovcic / John Wiley & Sons Inc

145,650원(35%할인 / 1,460원)

Advanced Materials for Electromagnetic Shielding: Fundamentals, Properties, and Applications (Hardcover)

Maciej Jaroszewski / Wiley

290,170원(35%할인 / 2,910원)

Anechoic and Reverberation Chambers: Theory, Design, and Measurements (Hardcover)

Qian Xu / Wiley

169,530원(35%할인 / 1,700원)

Auroral Phenomenology and Magnetospheric Processes: Earth and Other Planets (Hardcover)

Keiling, A. / American Geophysical Union

194,620원(35%할인 / 1,950원)

Circuit Analysis for Dummies (Paperback)

John Santiago / John Wiley & Sons Inc

32,130원(30%할인 / 650원)

Computational Electromagnetics (Hardcover)

Xin-qing Sheng / John Wiley & Sons Inc

194,620원(35%할인 / 1,950원)

Electromagnetic Measurements in the Near Field (Hardcover, 2)

Pawel Bienkowski / Scitech Pub Inc

50,000원(75%할인 / 500원)

Ultrafast Phenomena XII: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference, Charleston, SC, USA, July 9-13, 2000 (Hardcover)

Elsaesser, Thomas / Springer

224,190원(40%할인 / 2,250원)

Solid-State Lasers for Materials Processing: Fundamental Relations and Technical Realizations (Hardcover, 2001)

Reinhard Ifflander / Springer Verlag

282,960원(30%할인 / 2,830원)

Ion Sources (Hardcover)

Huashun Zhang / Springer Verlag

321,540원(30%할인 / 3,220원)

Positron Annihilation in Semiconductors: Defect Studies (Hardcover, 1999. Corr. 2nd)

R. Krause-Rehberg / Springer Verlag

282,960원(30%할인 / 2,830원)

Symmetry And Heterogeneity in High Temperature Superconductors (Hardcover)

Antonio Bianconi / Kluwer Academic Pub

282,960원(30%할인 / 2,830원)