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이 분야에 59 개의 상품이 있습니다.

Electrical Railway Transportation Systems (Hardcover)

Morris Brenna / IEEE

174,310원(35%할인 / 1,750원)

Theory of Lift: Introductory Computational Aerodynamics in MATLAB/Octave (Hardcover)

Geordie McBain / John Wiley & Sons Inc

158,780원(35%할인 / 1,590원)

Cenelec 50128 and Iec 62279 Standards (Hardcover)

Jean-louis Boulanger / Iste/Hermes Science Pub

212,530원(35%할인 / 2,130원)

Formation Control of Multiple Autonomous Vehicle Systems (Hardcover)

Hugh H. T. Liu / Wiley

193,420원(35%할인 / 1,940원)

The Scramjet Engine : Processes and Characteristics (Hardcover)

Corin Segal / Cambridge Univ Pr

230,230원(30%할인 / 2,310원)

Theory of Propulsion (Paperback)

Pasquale M. Sforza / Elsevier Science Ltd

89,940원(40%할인 / 900원)

Aeronautical Air-Ground Data Link Communications (Hardcover)

Alain Pirovano / Iste/Hermes Science Pub

212,530원(35%할인 / 2,130원)

Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Hardcover)

Richard Blockley / John Wiley & Sons Inc

384,520원(35%할인 / 3,850원)

Aerospace Actuators 1 : Needs, Reliability and Hydraulic Power Solutions (Hardcover)

Jean-Charles Mare / Wiley-ISTE

212,530원(35%할인 / 2,130원)

Early Railway Chemistry and Its Legacy (Paperback)

Russell, Colin A. / Ingram Pub Services

54,010원(30%할인 / 550원)

Aircraft Flight Dynamics and Control (Hardcover)

Wayne Durham / John Wiley & Sons Inc

170,730원(35%할인 / 1,710원)

Civil Avionics Systems (Hardcover, 2, Revised)

Ian Moir / John Wiley & Sons Inc

152,810원(35%할인 / 1,530원)

Aircraft Conceptual Design Synthesis (Hardcover)


315,250원(35%할인 / 3,160원)

Bioevaluation of World Transport Networks (Hardcover)

Andrew Adamatzky / World Scientific Pub Co Inc

167,200원(30%할인 / 1,680원)

Slide Rule (Paperback)

Shute, Nevil / Vintage Classics

12,600원(30%할인 / 130원)

Advanced Control of Aircraft (Hardcover)

Ashish Tewari / John Wiley & Sons Inc

136,090원(35%할인 / 1,370원)

Single Event Effects in Aerosp (Hardcover)

Edward Petersen / IEEE

201,780원(35%할인 / 2,020원)

Spacecraft Formation Flying : Dynamics, Control and Navigation (Hardcover)

Pini Gurfil / Butterworth-Heinemann

181,350원(30%할인 / 1,820원)

An Invitation to Fly (Hardcover, 6th, Subsequent)

Dennis Glaeser / Brooks/Cole Pub Co

133,700원(30%할인 / 1,340원)

The Restless Universe : Understanding X-Ray Astronomy in the Age of Chandra and Newton (Hardcover)

Eric M. Schlegel / Oxford Univ Pr on Demand

33,730원(40%할인 / 340원)

Controlling Pilot Error: Controlled Flight Into Terrain (Cfit/Cftt) (Paperback)

Daryl R. Smith / McGraw-Hill Professional Pub

33,430원(30%할인 / 340원)

Controlling Pilot Error: Maintenance and Mechanics (Paperback)

Larry Reithmaier / McGraw-Hill

25,650원(30%할인 / 260원)

Principles of Flight Simulation (Hardcover)

David Allerton / John Wiley & Sons Inc

164,760원(35%할인 / 1,650원)

Aircraft Design Projects : For Engineering Students (Paperback)

Lloyd R. Jenkinson / Butterworth-Heinemann Medical

66,690원(40%할인 / 670원)